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Farming Humans: Could you live in a cage for 10 days?

Fundrasier to fund this very important documentary to raise awareness regarding Factory Farming.

Could you live in a cage for 10 days?
Could you sleep in your own feces?
Could you sleep in your own vomit and never know if it's day or night?
If you think you're brave enough sign up for the new documentary hosted by Simone Reyes: Farming Humans.

FARMING HUMANS is a one hour documentary in development hosted by
animal activist Simone Reyes, and she’s calling on her fellow activists
to join her for a hardcore project that will blow minds. The story
focuses on 12 volunteers who agree to live like barn animals for ten
days. During this time, they will undergo the same nightmarish
treatment farm animals endure every single day of their lives. Imagine
you wake up in a cage. You are gaining consciousness in a pen no bigger
than an airline’s overhead storage bin and you’re hunched over, unable
to fully extend your neck without smacking into the top of this
enclosure. You’re boxed in with others like yourself, men and women with
no sense of where they are, dazed from the lack of proper food and
water left to wonder if that smell – that terrible, awful, miasma
drifting lazily through the air – is really that of human feces, or if
it’s just the rotting remains of what they deemed fit for your
consumption. You’re elbow-to-elbow with your neighbors, trying to jostle
for what little free space there is. In fact you are living in a barn,
in a cage, ingesting hormones, being prodded and shocked, kicked,
branded and enduring the same treatment barn animals regularly deal

Hiltz Squared Media takes aim at this gulf in our
understanding, taking out twelve and putting them through the riggers of
being prepped for slaughter. For ten days, doctors and established
experts will keep a close eye on them, observing their reactions to the
physical and mental stresses that animals go through everyday on factory
farms and massive feedlots. Once the volunteers arrive at the barn,
they will be broken down in to three groups: chickens, pigs and cows. At
this time, each volunteer will be tattooed or branded with a number.
From that moment on they will only be referred to by that number. Each
volunteer will be able to keep a video journal and discuss their
experience. The volunteers will be provided with clothes that identify
which group they are a part of.

Email for interviews or questions or to make donations.

Below is a preview of humans living in cages:

Could You Handle Being In A Cage This Small For 4 Minutes? How About 4
Years? Here is the gofund for you to donate to help fund this very
important documentary:


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