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Showing posts from May, 2015

The Bible, Jesus, and Veganism by Gary Yourofsky, Vegan Animal Rights Activist

The Bible, Jesus, and Veganism NOTE: For a rabbinical view about why Jews should be living a vegan lifestyle, read this amazing 2010 essay from the late Rabbi Simchah Roth . For an amazing book comparing The Jewish Holocaust and The Animal Holocaust, check out Eternal Treblinka by Charles Patterson. When I mention God in the following piece, I am also referring to Jesus. And God did NOT create us in His image. Humans created God in their image. I believe in God, but I am not so arrogant and blind as to believe that God is human-like, or that God looks, thinks, or acts like us in any way. As a whole, humans are psychopathic, apathetic, and myopic. God is not! Furthermore, giving thanks, and/or praying to God, does NOT exonerate an animal-murderer from the crime. Author Cleveland Amory summed it up best when he wrote: "A missionary was walking in Africa when he heard the ominous padding of a lion behind him. 'Oh Lord' prayed the missionary, 'Grant in Thy go...

Evolution and Creation by Gary Yourofsky, Vegan Animal Rights Activist

Evolution and Creation by Gary Yourofsky, Vegan Animal Rights Activist Source: In the evolutionary theory, humans were vegan long before we turned to an unnatural diet of dead animals. Before tools, weapons and fire there was no meat-eating. We were vegan scavengers and gatherers long before we tried hunting and gathering. When the Ice Age hit and most vegetation was wiped out, humans turned to a survival scenario of eating meat. When the Ice Age ended, we should have reverted back to the vegan diet that kept us connected to and part of the natural world, not fallaciously on top of it. In the creation theory, humans were vegan long before we turned to a sinful diet of dead animals. The religions of Buddhists, Hindus, 7th Day Adventists, Jains and Rastafarians unambiguously admonish followers to harm no animal, and to treat the body as a temple by ingesting healthy, non-animal based foods. Meat is never permissible. If you are...

Vegans In Ancient Times | The History of Veganism Part One

How I Deal with Harassment as a Vegan

I have had harassment for being vegan everywhere... family, social media, and at various jobs.  It's ALWAYS unprovoked, demeaning and condescending stupid comments that have no basis in logic or ethics.  So yes, laughing at them is usually a good response...  It's hard to take people seriously who say stupid mean shit like that.  Sometimes it's extremely subtle, and I don't catch it right away.  Other times it's blatant and abusive... Either way it can catch you off guard in the middle of a workday or surrounded by family at holiday gatherings.  I have cried at holidays, quit jobs and given up on relationships because of these attacks on me as a ethical vegan.

Gary Yourofsky - The Flag, The Bible & The Greatest Magic Trick Ever Per...

Gary Yourofsky vs. Animal Abuser Reporter

Even after watching this many times, hearing The Real Gary Yourofsky​ describe the animal holocaust still makes me cry... :(

Through the Eyes of an Animal | A Lecture by Gary Yourofsky